2023 July – Earlier this month, the Lancet Child and Adolescent Health – a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal – published a paper titled “Unintentional Injuries in Adolescents: A Neglected Issue in Global Health” by Amy E Peden, Ali Işın, Rumanusina Maua, Soumyadeep Bhaumik, and YOURS Advocacy Director Stefania Minniti. The publication covers areas of adolescent health that include but are not limited to, mental health, suicide, and road traffic injuries.
Unintentional Injuries
The journal discusses the struggle of leveraging public attention and political will to address the preventable loss of lives among children and adolescents caused by health issues such as transport and mobility injuries, drowning, falls, suicide, assault, and more.
According to the paper, over 360,000 young people and adolescents died from unintentional injuries in 2019 alone. An additional 31.1 million suffer from disability caused by the injuries.
The paper looks to contribute to a paradigm shift in the perception of adolescent health and well-being. Through different resources, the urgent health issues will not just include mental health, reproductive health, and substance abuse but also road traffic crashes, drowns, falls, burns, scalds, and poisoning.

The Lancet
According to its website, The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health is an “independent journal with an international perspective and a strong clinical focus.” It presents the most influential and innovative practice-changing original research as well as reviews and opinion pieces to promote the health of children and adolescents.
“The Lancet Group cares that your work is highly visible to a global network of researchers, clinicians, industry professionals, policymakers, media outlets, patients, and the wider public, and we work with you and your affiliated institutions to maximize the impact of your research on the world.”
Its current issue (Volume 7, Issue 7) is currently available on its website.