Claiming Our Space at the HLM: what activities we’re taking part in

Claiming Our Space at the HLM: what activities we’re taking part in

We are going to be among the organizations flying to New York to take part in the UN High-Level Meeting on Road Safety this June! Our youth leaders are claiming their space and are elevating the call for meaningful youth participation in road safety to local and global leaders and decision-makers. “Stop blaming us, start protecting and engaging us.”

More than representing young people around the world, our youth delegates are playing active roles during the High-Level Meeting to push the youth agenda forward. We have three main events; (1) an Global Art Exhibition, (2) an official side-event, and (3) participation during the sessions for the Meeting. 

The art exhibition will kick things off. Featuring six pieces created by our young artists and will take place at the UN Headquarters from the 27th of June to July of 1st. It will present the results of the #ClaimingOurSpace campaign through an interactive and engaging art installation. Through the exhibition, decision-makers and attendees will be able to interact with our young leaders to discuss and make commitments to meaningfully engage and involve youth.

The exhibit, curated by Create2030’s Lisa Russel, aims to create a narrative through artistic mediums about the impact road crashes have on the lives of young people and the urgent need for meaningful youth participation in road safety policy making. 

The next level of participation comes through our official side-event titled “stop blaming us, start engaging us!” set for the 30th of June from 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM at Sputnik Space in the UN Headquarters. The session seeks to promote meaningful youth participation as a standard at all stages and levels of the road safety and sustainable mobility policymaking process. It will also promote an intergenerational dialogue between youth, government authorities, and multilateral agencies to discuss youth participation in the implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety. 

Another goal of the side-event is to launch, disseminate, and promote a policymaker’s toolkit created by our youth leaders that will guide local and global leaders and decision-makers about when and how to meaningfully engage with youth. 

The last event includes our youth leadership board member, Estiara Ellizar from Indonesia, participating in an official session during the Meeting. She will take part in a multi-stakeholder panel on the 1st of July at the UN Headquarters. The panel will talk about mobilizing stakeholders to accelerate the implementation of the Global Plan to halve the number of road-related deaths and injuries by 2030. 

If you’re in New York and happen to be by the UN building, pay us a visit! We’ll be glad to have you check out our exhibition and our sessions! 


Indonesia Youth Road Safety Warriors: local coalition established

Indonesia Youth Road Safety Warriors: local coalition established

The Minister of Transportation in Indonesia launched the Indonesia Youth Road Safety Warriors (IYRSW) Program as part of their role in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka or the Independent Study Independent Campus in the formal establishment of the Indonesia Youth Road Safety Coalition, as a space to all alumni. The theme aligns to support the new Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 – 2030 and culminated in the formal establishment of the IYRSC. 

Indonesia Youth Road Safety Warriors 
The program was created through the collaboration of the IRSP with the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia, Astra Honda Motor, the Institute Transportation and Logistic Trisakti, the Polytechnic of Land Transport Indonesia, and the Polytechnic of Road Transport Safety.

Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka was held online in a webinar with the closing ceremony on the 1st of December. During the webinar, the situation on road safety and mobility in Indonesia was discussed with three local campuses welcoming the IYRSW as an elective course that is equivalent to two elective courses under the Ministry of Education and Culture program.

The IYRSW program accommodates sixty students from three different campuses – Institute Transportation and Logistic Trisakti, Polytechnic of Land Transport Indonesia, and Polytechnic of Road Transport Safety – with twenty students representing each campus.

The IYRSW encourages efforts to improve the quality of human resources in the field of road safety through the implementation of national road safety programs through partnerships between different sectors. It also focuses on providing multi-dimensional and awareness programs for young motorists with a focus on motorcycle drivers that would ideally create positive safety outcomes for young people and other stakeholders.

Global road safety interventions
During the closing ceremony, IRSP President Dr. Elly Sinaga, MSc highlighted the new Decade of Action for Road Safety, emphasizing how the Global Plan calls on governments, civil society, academia, the private sector, and other stakeholders to integrate the Safe System Approach which squarely positions on road safety as a key driver of sustainable development.

She also talked about how the Global Plan highlights the role of youth in shaping the future of transportation. Through the IYRSW, the IRSP aims to improve road safety in Indonesia, saying that the program and the organization will collaborate with global partners such as the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety to improve the capacity of the students on both local and global levels. 

President Elly also committed the support of the IRSP as a non-government organization in helping the government come up with recommendations and solutions to improve the road safety situation in Indonesia by working on partnerships, advocacy, policy proposals, and capacity building. 

YOURS – Youth for Road Safety Executive Director, Floor Lieshout, was also present during the webinar to provide a global perspective to the road safety situation as well as with the youth-led initiatives to address issues on mobility being supported by the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety.

Floor shared the progress YOURS through the Global Youth Coalition is leading in terms of implementing road safety projects to improve awareness, engagement, partnerships, and more as a way to keep more young people safe on the world’s roads. He commends the youth leaders who make up the Coalition as those who are taking action to fight the biggest killer of youth worldwide; road crashes.

In his speech, he also congratulated the IYRSW for localizing road safety initiatives and in getting more young people involved in efforts to save lives on the world’s roads. He also invited the participants to also get involved in the global road safety movement by joining the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety. 

“We need to come together to develop a better mobility system, a safe mobility system, a more sustainable mobility system for future generations. And we can only do that if we work together. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – Floor Lieshout 


Addressing the impact of transportation on Climate Change

Addressing the impact of transportation on Climate Change

The World Resource Institute (WRI) launched an online conversation on addressing the impact of transportation on climate change through a virtual event called Transforming Transportation that was held from 3 – 5 February 2021. The event was guided by the theme “reimagining safe and resilient mobility for recovery” and will be co-hosted by World Bank Group and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.

Transforming Transportation
The global pandemic has disrupted the global transport sector and has affected the economy of different countries and the lives of every individual around the world. WRI Climate emphasized that rethinking mobility is not a priority to build back better with safer, more resilient, and more efficient transport systems for all.

Transforming Transportation 2021 brought together sustainable mobility leaders from around the world to discuss the path forward. With the virtual event, WRI Climate offered resources on issues around sustainable transportation and mobility.

The virtual event was moderated by award-winning international journalist, Femi Oke, and featured world leaders like David Malpass – President of World Bank Group, Claudia Lopez – Mayor of Bogota, Colombia, Eneas Comiche – Mayor of Maputo, Mozambique, and more.

screen shot 2021 02 04 at 8 36 24 pmTransportation, climate, and development
At the conference, president of World Bank Group, David Malpass, emphasized how critical the transport sector is in achieving sustainable development. In his opening speech, Mr. Malpass discussed the importance of ensuring safe and sustainable transportation around the world, presenting facts and figures to highlight the difficulties people encounter within the transport system.

The data shows that around 840 million people from around the world still live away from usable roads, the most affected coming from low-to-middle income countries. Poorly designed road infrastructure and unsafe modes of public transport make it hard for people to make a living, for kids to go to school, for goods to be delivered to markets, and a lot more.

“Improving transport connectivity is going to be key for achieving both social objectives, economic objectives, and climate objectives.” – David Malpass.  

Global transport emissions have grown faster than in any other area over the last 50 years. The transport sector now accounts for a quarter of global energy-related emissions and it is believed that this could reach 33% if we do not make necessary adjustments.

“We’re looking for ways to have a green, inclusive, resilient recovery from COVID and growth into the future. In order to do that, we have to have less polluting, more effective, and universal public transport.” – David Malpass.

Good infrastructure that allows for more options such as cycling and walking are critical in improving the transport system in different countries and the rest of the world.


YOURS holds Youth Panel during the IRF Young Professionals Summit

YOURS holds Youth Panel during the IRF Young Professionals Summit

The International Road Federation (IRF), in collaboration with YOURS – Youth for Road Safety, held a Young Professionals Summit earlier this Wednesday, 30 September. The IRF Young Professionals program is a platform for the next generation of leaders and specialists on the road and mobility sector to propose ideas, share initiatives, and engage with other activities by the IRF. 

Youth Opportunities Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

The panel was led by Global Youth Coalition Youth Advisory Board Member Maolin Macatangay and featured youth leaders from different fields. The panel included Alison Collard de Beaufort, founder and executive director of the Vision Zero Youth Council (VZYC); Bashiru Mansaray, founder of Open Space Corporation (OS Corp) tech company; and Tumwine Hosea, Community Development officer of the Resilient Women’s Organization.

The panelists talked about how social media has helped connect with youth and reach wider audiences when it came to addressing how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their work. “Social media is powerful, unavoidable. With it, we can reach more young people, connecting with them, and raising awareness on issues that matter. This is the time to take advantage of technology,” says Tumwine.

Alison acknowledged this and notes how the world has adopted the “remote model”, using tools like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Webinars as ways to help keep the conversation going. Alison also believes that the energy of youth continues to show even in the middle of the global pandemic. “Let’s take the energy we have and take it toward fighting for what is right,” she says.

Coming from the employability sector, Bashiru shared his experience as youth who has trouble looking for work, especially during the global pandemic. As a solution, he created his own company where he helped youth like him find jobs. “Because of the restrictions brought on by the pandemic, people are having trouble coming to work. OS Corp provides a virtual space where offices and other businesses can continue their tasks in the comfort of their homes,” Bashiru notes.

How Sustainable Transport Relates with Other Fields
The areas of road safety and sustainable mobility is seen in different facets of everyone’s daily routines. Working in the road safety field, Alison sees this a lot. Sustainable transport is an important issue for VZYC. Based in New York, Alison and her team see how mobility and road safety is not just limited to transportation but also in health, climate, and safety. The VZYC wants to reduce traffic deaths and injuries to zero through its street safety program.

Bashiru sees the importance of sustainable transport in his community in Sierra Leone where some villages are located far away from the city.

The locations are connected by poorly constructed and unsafe roads, making it hard for people to reach food, supplies, and other amenities. 

This poor road quality affects the safety of road users in the area and their daily needs which includes getting food, going to work, or going to school. Because of limited modes of transport, the fare for traveling is also significantly high.

Meanwhile, Tumwine’s work at the Resilient Women’s Organization often involves him and his team going to remote areas with unsafe and unpaved roads to reach small communities in Uganda.

Safe and sustainable transport is necessary so his organization can connect with vulnerable women to provide them with education and other necessary resources that will help with the fight toward women’s social and economic empowerment.

Getting Started
The panelists are leaders in their respective rights. Youth have the passion to push for positive change in society so the panelists shared some insights on how young people can start leading movements connected with their passions and advocacies.

Alison shared the importance of finding a group that shares the same interests and beliefs as you. There doesn’t have to be complete education on the topic of advocacy – this will be achieved along the journey – what is important is that you get a good group of people to join you in your advocacy, says Alison. “Peer-to-peer interaction is very important because, with youth, the passion to try to solve societal issues will translate into the conversation.”

Bashiru also noted the importance of having a good group of people that helps fill in each other’s weaknesses so that a strong team is built.

Stay connected with our youth leaders by joining the Coalition! Learn about the members’ goals, commitments, and advocacies. Be a member today!



In our society, more and more young people use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like, and every day on these networks put their photos taken in different situations.

Download the Global Youth Statement on Road Safety! #ClaimingOurSpace

Download the Global Youth Statement on Road Safety! #ClaimingOurSpace

We are back fresh from Sweden after a monumental week for youth and road safety! On the 18th February, we marked the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety, bringing together nearly 200 young leaders from all across the world. Months of consultations and amalgamation of youth opinions from around the world culminated in the Global Youth Statement on Road Safety.


We, the Youth of the World gathering in Stockholm, Sweden for the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety, unite and say “no more!” to dying and getting injured on world’s roads. We were born into a global crisis: road traffic crashes have been the biggest killer of young people aged 15-29 for more than a decade. We are done with over 1000 young people dying every day. Why is the world not panicking? Wake up!

We the Youth have been seen as ‘problematic road users’ – as the group in society that is reckless, takes risks and overestimates their behaviours. Why then are young people more likely to die in low- and middle-income countries than in high-income countries? It is the unsafe mobility system that is failing us. Stop blaming us, start protecting and engaging us.

This Global Youth Statement brings together the voices of more than 1500 young people who took part in Youth Consultations. It paints a vivid picture of what we experience every day on our unsafe roads. We, the Youth, representing over 74 countries proclaim ‘hear our voice’ and our call for immediate action. Not tomorrow, today.


We, the Youth of Africa, are forced to deal with badly designed road infrastructure, leading pedestrians to jaywalk and vehicles to get involved in serious crashes. A lack of basic education and awareness, causes people to drive without proper training. The air pollution caused by unroadworthy vehicles is making us suffocate.

We, the Youth of the Americas, experience poverty leading to poor public services. Many of the victims could have been saved if post-crash services were more efficient or adequate facilities even existed. Also, public insecurity and sexual harassment are major concerns that prevent women from using public transport.

We, the Youth of South-East Asia, as of the Western Pacific, are fed up of corruption leading to poor regulation and enforcement. Pedestrians get forced out of the sidewalk by vendors and vehicles. We see overcrowded and speeding public vehicles, simply because drivers want to earn more. And still, not enough people are wearing helmets on two-wheelers.

We, the Youth of the Eastern Mediterranean, can’t access safe and sustainable transportation. Wheelchair users in particular, are required to wait hours for a bus, due to the lack of disability-friendly systems across the region.

We, the Youth of Europe, need better infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians, as well as safer road users. Problems like drunk/drug-driving still exist and mobile phone use behind the wheel has become a pressing modern-day issue for all road users.

These challenges affect us all in the same way, no matter where we are.


We cannot trust that our decision-makers will make the right decisions. We are therefore claiming our space at the decision-making table. We, the Youth of the World, demand:

●      Roads that do not kill our dreams: protect vulnerable users, children and youth on their way to get an education. Stop funding and building anything less than 3-star roads.

●      Education for every road user: so that we can afford formal and graduated driving training, the necessary safety-equipment and information on how to be safer.

●      “Slow down!”: speed kills; we need established and enforced safe speed limits appropriate to the function and location of the road by transport authorities and police.

●      No more deathtrap cars: get the unsafe vehicles off the roads and commit to a global vehicle safety standard.

●      There is no planet B: we need safe and sustainable transport systems to combat the climate crisis. Let us breathe!

●      Lawsss!: we need good helmet and seatbelt laws, laws that protect children in the back seat and have zero tolerance for drugs, alcohol, and distractions. We need the political will to enforce these laws.

●      That every second counts: Post-crash care saves lives. We demand a quick and efficient response when the worst happens and justice for road traffic victims.

●      Stop blaming us and start engaging us: It’s time to change your perception of youth. No more manipulation, decoration or participation for show. We want our needs, ideas, skills and opinions taken into account. Use our boundless potential.

We call on decision-makers and all stakeholders to invest in a Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety to take the movement forward and enact these demands and commitments. We, the Youth, must also be part of the road safety revolution. So we decided to act.


We, the Youth of the World, commit to the evidence-based solutions that will save lives and act as role models for safe road behaviour to be the change we would like to see. We know that road safety is a facilitator of many SDGs:

SDG 3 Health / Target 3.6

●      Advocating for better road safety laws and enforcement, quality forms of non-motorized transport and better post-crash care.

●      Calling for a new target to halve road deaths and injuries by 2030.

SDG 4 – Education

●      Raising awareness and campaigning for safe school zones.

●      Promoting peer education on the importance of observing road safety rules.

SDG 10 – Reduce Inequalities / Target 10.2

●      Petitioning for more meaningful youth representation in road safety decision-making.

●      Fighting for women’s rights to move safely and free of prejudices.

SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities / Target 11.2

●      Advocating to put vulnerable road users first in city design.

●      Pressing local decision-makers to invest in safer and sustainable infrastructure, vehicles and road users. 

SDG 13 – Climate action

●    Advocating for safe and sustainable transport that is clean and green.

It’s time for real action, no more false promises or fake commitments. You have to pick a lane: will you work with us to save lives and create a healthier world? Or will you confess to your children in 2030 that you did nothing to stop this global road safety crisis?

We are the Youth of the World, we are here today, these are our demands, these are our commitments – we are #ClaimingOurSpace!



Read about our delivery of the First Alliance Advocates African Region Training

Read about our delivery of the First Alliance Advocates African Region Training

Last month, we worked with the Global Alliance of Road Safety NGOs to deliver the first African Region Training in Nairobi, Kenya. The training brought together 20 NGO leaders from across 13 African countries and were trained in a range of advocacy skills with a particular focus on safe school zones.

We joined the training as lead facilitators delivering a facilitative workshop alongside iRAP, the World Health Organization and the Global Alliance. The Alliance created the ‘Alliance Empowerment Program’, an overarching program that has the aim to work with NGO leaders to improve their effectiveness and impact.

Members of the Alliance identified several key areas for development that would help them in their road safety missions on the ground. This was realized through an Alliance-wide ‘Learning Needs Assessment’ in which members reviewed the skills they need to make a real lasting change in road safety. In response to a clear capacity development need, the Alliance developed supportive programs under the banner of the Empowerment Program. These include The Alliance Academy: which offers trainings such as online webinars and in-person training workshops.

The Alliance Advocates: is an initiative that results from the Alliance Academy. The overall aim is to increase the quality of work that Alliance member NGOs implement. It builds on key skills such as planning, identify funding, implementing and evaluating effective advocacy activities, press attention, legislative change and more. In 2018, the Alliance took the decision to focus on a Regional Training which would enable NGOs to work on practical ideas. The first regional training took place in Nairobi, Kenya representing the African region.

We (YOURS), were called in to further develop the training curriculum based on our training experience. The curriculum was developed through consultations with the Alliance and this time partnered with the International Road Assessments Programme (iRAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The training offered 20 African NGO leaders a practical insight into advocacy with a particular focus on safe school zones. The group benefited from using iRAP’s Star Ratings for Schools App as NGOs to pilot this new innovative tool to improve crucial infrastructure around schools to enable a safe journey for children.

We used our track record in workshop delivery to help design, develop and implement the training. Floor Lieshout and Manpreet Darroch conducted the training alongside the Global Alliance, Rachel Nganwa of iRAP Africa and Melecki Khayesi, Kacem Iaych Technical Officers at the World Health Organization.

A key focus of the regional training was to ensure practical actions could be taken when advocates return to their respective countries. During the training, the Advocates went into the field to assess a real school zone and score the infrastructure. This practical in-field exercise enabled the group to get acquainted with the Star Rating for Schools application and principles. Advocates were able to see where safe infrastructure lacked. They used this approach to prepare advocacy missions around safe school zones for their home countries with a focus on; using key data and evidence, talking with decision makers, strategic action planning and crafting compelling messaging for their advocacy missions.

lotte.jpgExecutive Director of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, Lotte Brondum said, “It’s a true pleasure to work with YOURS. We have worked with the YOURS for several years now and although the trainings follow the same structure, all trainings are individually tailored. Recently we had a group with mostly men, different ages, cultures and language skills. Floor and Manpreet do not just delivering a training, but ensure that dynamics and learning styles are in play and optimized for the best learning outcome. Their individual approach to a training means that there is a lot of preparation work between us ahead of the training discussing and planning for different scenarios during the training. But it also means that the training is rolled out in a really professional manner and that we as the Alliance is sure our members are in the best hands and meet all learning objectives!”.

jenny roberstonDirector of FedEx Global Citizenship, Jenny Robertson said, “FedEx is a very proud sponsor of the Alliance Empowerment Program. The recent road safety advocacy training held in Nairobi was the first regional training we’ve sponsored for the Alliance. The training, once again delivered by expert road safety advocates from YOURS, has no doubt prepared the NGOs that participated to deliver exceptionally effective road safety measures. These measures will help reduce the numbers of children and adults getting killed and injured in road traffic crashes on African roads”.