Check out the YOURS Annual Report for 2021

Check out the YOURS Annual Report for 2021

We are proud to publish our Annual Report 2021. Look back on all the highlights around road safety, sustainable mobility,  and meaningful youth participation. Our youth leaders hit the ground running, implementing projects and initiatives that address road safety and development issues under the Sustainable Development Goals and the Decade of Action for Road Safety. Read all about our achievements today.

Foreword to the YOURS Annual Report 2021

Reflecting on 2021, I have seen a year full of learning, growth, and impact. Learning to navigate the Covid19 crisis and dealing with its uncertainties, but also jumping on new exciting opportunities. Growth, because I have seen the organization make a giant leap forward in terms of budget, maturity, team members, and sustainability. And what I am most proud of: we continued to deliver outstanding projects and have an impact. In this Report, you can read all about them.

Together with the entire YOURS team, the Youth Leadership Board, and the Supervisory Board, we have also written and finalized two plans: a Strategic Plan 2025 and an Organizational Plan 2025.

The first aims to provide a road map of our priorities for the coming years and how we intend to achieve our vision and mission in an ever-changing global environment; the second is more focused on what we need to have in place as an organization to facilitate that. 

Rolling out our plans will happen in a fast-moving world. Safe and sustainable mobility is uniquely placed within this agenda as cities and countries reimagine urban spaces to prioritize health and well-being.

With the launch of a new UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, this is the moment that youth must become an important stakeholder in reducing road deaths and injuries and meaningfully contribute to designing the future they want and need. Are you with us?

Floor Lieshout
YOURS Executive Director


Our Policymakers’ Toolkit is LIVE

Our Policymakers’ Toolkit is LIVE

Our Policymakers’ Toolkit is here! We bring you a unique advocacy document that will help policymakers and decision-makers meaningfully engage with young people. This Toolkit promotes the core principles of meaningful youth participation as a cycle of relationship building, commitment, investment, and a shift in mindset around the idea of working with youth and for youth.

pngOnce you download our Toolkit, you will have access to a road map that will guide you through the ins and outs of meaningful youth participation. It will pave the way for the development, implementation, and evaluation of road safety policies with young people. 

You will also find case studies that show the tangible benefits of involving young people in local and global road safety efforts. We provide examples through the experiences of our youth leaders. Finally, you will get self-assessment scorecards that will support the evaluation of your efforts to meaningfully involve youth. The scorecards will also help you track your progress as you work on meaningful participatory practices. 

The Toolkit was initially presented during the High-Level Meeting on Road Safety which happened last 30 June. Our Executive Director, Floor Lieshout, spoke about the need for the Toolkit. He talked about what it meant to meaningfully involve youth in all stages of policymaking and decision-making.

He also provided a rundown of how local and global leaders can create inclusive impact through a cycle that focuses on mindset, the way of working, and commitment and investment in young people, their experiences, ideas, expertise, and perception.

Through the Toolkit, we highlight the fact that road traffic crashes are the leading killer of young people. We present key data that present the realities youth face on the world’s roads. We also acknowledge that human error is inevitable, especially for children and adolescents who are still developing physically and cognitively. This is why it’s important to create a system that takes into account these factors and design one that protects and involves youth.

“Road traffic crashes are the leading killer of youth. Young people are smart and creative. With our skills and ingenuity, we are able to work with decision-makers to reduce the number of deaths and achieve the global road safety mandates.” – Youth Advocate, Nigeria.

The Toolkit states that; the fundamental right of youth to meaningfully participate in policymaking processes is not a new idea. Participation is a human right recognized in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child for those under 18 years of age; in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and is central to equal, inclusive, and sustainable development in the Sustainable Development Goals and New Urban Agenda. The Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 – 2030 recognizes youth as a critical stakeholder vital to its successful delivery. 

If you haven’t yet, it’s time you meaningfully engage and work with young people. Download our Policymakers’ Toolkit to get started! 


Have you enrolled at YOURS Academy?

Have you enrolled at YOURS Academy?

It’s been three months since we launched YOURS Academy, our latest learning platform and the definitive online e-learning road safety school. We took our award-winning capacity development workshops and turned them into online modules that you can access any time, anywhere. Join us to take action against the biggest killer of youth in the world; road traffic crashes. Enroll today by going to

What you can find
YOURS Academy collates a decade of our global experience of in-person training in road safety into a digital format. We offer road safety information in brain-friendly and easy-to-digest content that will be easy to follow and interact with. All our content is derived from evidence-based research, reports, best practices, and global subject matter experts. The contents are also rooted in young people’s road safety experiences around the world.

Currently, the first module is available FREE for anyone who signs up. The module covers the global road safety problem and its impact on young people. It talks about road safety as a global issue with statistics, facts, trends as well as the human cost of road traffic crashes. It also explores why youth are at risk and how youth can take action to address this. 

The module is designed to be informative and engaging. With our facilitated style of teaching, we offer you videos, infographics, games, and more. You can take the lessons at your pace, pausing as needed or going all in and finishing the course in a day. Everything is up to you as the learner. Everything is just a click away. 

What do our youth leaders say? 
Our module is written with young people and is designed for young people. Youth leaders from around the world have tried and tested our newest learning platform and taken away important lessons. 

One of our youth leaders, Estiara Ellizar from Indonesia says “YOURS Academy is such a brilliant platform! It compiles essential knowledge that you need to know about road safety. I really enjoyed every section of the first module and am very excited to wait for the next ones as this was packaged in a very fun way! I highly recommend this platform to you as young leaders who are advocating for road safety. Congratulations and a welcome to the new road safety champions!”

Our partners also had positive things to say about the Academy. Margie Peden from the George Institute of Health shares “this first module on the global road safety problem facing youth by YOURS Academy is a great introduction for young leaders to learn about evidence-based solutions and how to be part of the solution. This course is both informative and fun and I enjoyed reviewing it! Good luck to the next generation of road safety ambassadors”. 

Don’t miss out! Enroll today!


Our Policymakers Toolkit is coming to you soon!

Our Policymakers Toolkit is coming to you soon!

Last month during the High-Level Meeting on Road Safety, we announced the launch of our Policymakers Toolkit – a document that will guide policymakers and decision-makers on how to meaningfully engage and involve young people. Meaningful youth engagement, particularly in road safety, is something we’ve championed since the very beginning. We believe that young people have a right to be involved in the issues that most affect their lives.

Talking about meaningful youth participation
Our Toolkit highlights that meaningful youth participation happens when youth experiences, youth ideas, youth expertise, and youth perspectives are integrated into institutions that support the development and implementation of programs, policies, and decision-making efforts. 

To effectively engage with youth, three mechanisms need to come together; mindset, way of thinking, and commitment. To begin the process of meaningful youth participation, a fundamental shift in perception of the role of young people in society must occur. Under mindset, society, especially leaders and policymakers need to change its bias and view young people as politically credible and as experts of their own.

In terms of the way of working, all sectors of society must come together to systematically integrate meaningful youth participation within policymaking and decision-making structures as a cycle of continuous relationship building. Successful integration would mean taking a multi-method approach so that young people can choose the best way they could participate.

The final mechanism talks about commitment and investment. For leaders, decision-makers, and policymakers, it poses the question; “how far are you prepared to go?” Commitment and investment will rely on how societies, organizations, and governments sustain and follow up the integration of meaningful youth participation. 

Our Toolkit provides examples of how young people are already taking action and how they are ready to work hand-in-hand with local and global leaders to address the road safety crisis. 

What you can find in the Toolkit
Our upcoming Toolkit also emphasizes points on why it’s so important to meaningfully involve youth in the decision-making and policymaking processes. It cites how youth are recognized as key stakeholders in the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 and how they should be recognized in both formal and informal spaces of the policymaking process. 

To support this, our Toolkit provides the following resources; a model for meaningful youth participation, a road map to develop meaningful youth participation, a self-assessment scorecard, and some case studies to use as additional guides. 

The model and road map to develop meaningful youth participation provide reflective questions that will guide policymakers and leaders through each step of building a cycle of inclusive youth participation. The scorecard, on the other hand, provides a tool to score the current work an organization is doing with youth while at the same time tracking the progress of the efforts to meaningfully involve youth. 

Finally, the case studies will show examples of how the different aspects of the road map are used in programs that result in beneficial outcomes for the organization. It also provides insights directly from young people on why they should be engaged. 

Our Policymaker’s Toolkit is still being finalized but we will send word as soon as it is out!



SDG Champion Omnia El Omrani named official COP27 Youth Envoy

SDG Champion Omnia El Omrani named official COP27 Youth Envoy

A huge congratulations to our SDG Champion, Dr. Omnia El Omrani, for being named the official Youth Envoy for the UN Climate Change Conference 2022, Conference of Parties (COP27) taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt! Omnia is one of our youth leaders leading the policy brief on SDG 13: Climate Action. She has also represented the Youth Coalition during the previous UN Climate Change Conference or COP26.

Youth Envoy for COP27 
On July 7, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and President Designate of COP27 H.E. Sameh Shoukry announced Omnia as the official Youth Envoy for COP27. As the Youth Envoy, Omnia will promote the inclusion of youth and youth organizations around the world during the Conference. She will also ensure that youth voices are heard before, during, and well after the conference. Omnia had also met up with the Minister of Youth in Egypt H.E. Ashraf Sobhy to discuss how Egyptian youth and youth-led organizations can be better involved in the Conference. 

During COP26, Omnia joined a panel titled “the future of health care” by emphasizing the role of youth in future initiatives in both health and climate. During the previous Conference, Omnia also shared the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety as well as an Annex highlighting the demand of youth called “There Is No Planet B”. 

“The reason why I became a doctor was to help people and protect their health. The reason why I became a climate activist is that I felt that, as a young doctor, it is my ethical obligation to respond to the single biggest global health emergency of the 21st Century”. -Omnia El Omrani 

Taking action: addressing the climate emergency 
Tiffany Fourment (2015) from the World Meteorological Organization writes that the Conference of Parties (COP) is the decision-making body responsible for monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. A key task of COP is to review the national communications and emission inventories submitted by Parties as a way to better understand and address the climate crisis. 

Young people have also had roles during the Conference, linking climate with issues such as road safety. The previous year, we led an official side event titled “mobilizing youth on converging the climate and mobility agenda”. This was also something participated by Omnia where she discussed youth initiatives, especially by the Youth Coalition, to address climate change.

Omnia will continue to champion youth voices, especially now with her role as COP27’s official youth envoy. She shares “ As the COP27 Envoy of Youth, I am so excited and relentless to enable a meaningful and inclusive platform for youth at the front lines of climate change to empower  them to drive policymakers towards scaling up their climate implementation mechanisms, inspiring youth-led grassroots initiatives, and bringing awareness to scalable solutions and the instrumental impact they are bringing.”


Road safety in Thailand: engaging young people

Road safety in Thailand: engaging young people

ELEVATING THE CALL FOR MEANINGFUL YOUTH PARTICIPATION: YOURS – Youth for Road Safety representatives speak during the Standing Committee on the Transport of the House of Representatives of Thailand in their seminar on road safety and youth involvement. The event was titled “Towards the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety: Safety for Children and Participation of Young People” and it put the spotlight on having young people’s inputs in road safety efforts in Thailand. 

Elevating the call for meaningful youth participation: YOURS – Youth for Road Safety representatives again joined the Standing Committee on the Transport of the House of Representatives of Thailand in their seminar on road safety and youth involvement. The event, titled “Towards the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety: Safety for Children and Participation of Young People”, happened on July 18 at the Miracle Grand Convention Hotel in Bangkok. 

YOURS advocacy director Stefania Minniti and YOURS junior project manager Sana’a Khasawneh spoke on behalf of the team, highlighting the importance of meaningful youth participation. 

The Thai Government-Led meeting brought to the center the importance of creating spaces for young people’s participation in the development and implementation of road safety policies, especially in Thailand. The Meeting also sought to gather information from multiple sectors with regard to the implementation of their Land Traffic act, collect input from young people for the development of Thailand’s Road Safety Master Plan, and initiate a pilot project to reduce speeds in school zones.

From the Meeting, the Standing Committee aimed to see more youth representatives engaged in the development and implementation of road safety policies and activities in Thailand. They were also looking to get inputs from young people to include in Thailand’s Road Safety Master Plan 2022-2027. 

During the YOURS intervention, our representatives talked about our upcoming Policymaker’s Toolkit that guides policymakers, practitioners and other organizations on how to meaningfully engage and involve youth. 

The Toolkit, created with the support of FIA Foundation, offers the road safety community with evidence-based practices to systematically integrate meaningful youth participation into policy design, financing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for road safety and sustainable mobility.

“Our definition of meaningful youth participation is that young people’s experiences, ideas, expertise and perspectives are systematically integrated into programmatic, policy and decision-making institutions.”

The happened on July 18 at the Miracle Grand Convention Hotel in Bangkok.