Check out the YOURS Annual Report for 2021
We are proud to publish our Annual Report 2021. Look back on all the highlights around road safety, sustainable mobility, and meaningful youth participation. Our youth leaders hit the ground running, implementing projects and initiatives that address road safety and development issues under the Sustainable Development Goals and the Decade of Action for Road Safety. Read all about our achievements today.
Foreword to the YOURS Annual Report 2021
Reflecting on 2021, I have seen a year full of learning, growth, and impact. Learning to navigate the Covid19 crisis and dealing with its uncertainties, but also jumping on new exciting opportunities. Growth, because I have seen the organization make a giant leap forward in terms of budget, maturity, team members, and sustainability. And what I am most proud of: we continued to deliver outstanding projects and have an impact. In this Report, you can read all about them.
Together with the entire YOURS team, the Youth Leadership Board, and the Supervisory Board, we have also written and finalized two plans: a Strategic Plan 2025 and an Organizational Plan 2025.

The first aims to provide a road map of our priorities for the coming years and how we intend to achieve our vision and mission in an ever-changing global environment; the second is more focused on what we need to have in place as an organization to facilitate that.
Rolling out our plans will happen in a fast-moving world. Safe and sustainable mobility is uniquely placed within this agenda as cities and countries reimagine urban spaces to prioritize health and well-being.
With the launch of a new UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, this is the moment that youth must become an important stakeholder in reducing road deaths and injuries and meaningfully contribute to designing the future they want and need. Are you with us?
Floor Lieshout
YOURS Executive Director