Last week from 5 to 8 July, FIA – Federation Internationale De L’Automobile launched the 2021 FIA Conference. The conference was held in Monaco and was the first eConference Sport and Mobility event by the organization. During the conference, Member Clubs’ Presidents, senior executives from affiliated organizations, and global leaders and experts reaffirmed the will to increase positive contributions for motorsport and mobility to society.

Opening session: building back better
The Conference was formally opened by FIA President, Jean Todt. H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco was also present during the Conference where he highlighted the event’s role in the future of ensuring sustainable mobility across the globe.
During the Conference, leaders and mobility experts also reflected on the solidarity shown during the COVID-19 crisis and the opportunity it created to increase the positive contributions of the motorsport and mobility sector to the general community.

During his speech, FIA Deputy President for Automobile Mobility and Tourism, Thierry Willemarck, highlighted how sustainable mobility connects with green energy saying “the future of sustainable mobility goes hand-in-hand with the question of clean energy and energy transition.”
Youth and sustainable mobility
Featured during the Conference were different sessions that talked about the motor industry and sustainable transportation. YOURS Head of Communications Manpreet Darroch joined Rafaela Machado from iRAP – International Road Assessment Programme and Ian Jack from the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) in a session called Towards the Next Decade of Action: Youth Engagement.

During the session, Conference moderator Edie Lush highlighted that young people play a vital role in the future of mobility and that young people have a powerful voice that can be used to advocate for road safety.
This was echoed by Rafaela Machado saying, “We need to let youth know the power that they have and what they can do about road safety.” She talked about how iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools Methodology is one of the tools that can empower young people to take action in their communities and their regions.

Manpreet Darroch talked about how young people are taking the lead when it comes to road safety and sustainable mobility efforts. “A lot of young people are now stepping up, knowing that their peers are getting killed on the world’s roads. Youth are powerful activists; they are not just the victims”.
Ian talked about how CAA is engaging young people through education programs that help raise road safety awareness and also help involve youth in their projects and activities.
The #PurposeDriven movement launched by FIA will continue to mobilize the general public and its partners to address the United Nation’s call for action to achieve the goals and targets in the decade of action.