“For many years, youth have always been seen as problematic road users. Today, we will prove that we can be part of the solution and our voices should be taken into consideration by the political leaders at the decision-making table. We’re ready to #ClaimingOurSpace!” – Estiara Ellizar, Youth Leadership Board member. Our youth representatives are going to be joining the High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Road Safety this coming 30th June.
We are bringing youth voices to the highest echelons of leadership to show local and global leaders that young people are ready to take action and that it is time they were included in all levels of decision-making when it comes to road safety and sustainable mobility.
The high-level meeting consists of an opening statement, a plenary segment, multi-stakeholder thematic panels, and a closing statement. It will view the global agenda through a road safety lens, assessing the progress made in attaining road safety-related SDG targets.
The Meeting will be a time for Members States and all involved partners to mobilize political leadership to address road safety needs around the world. Attendees and representatives will also address different road safety gaps and challenges, promote multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration, and assess the progress made in implementing the Global Plan for the Decade of Action at national and municipal levels.

During the Meeting, our youth leaders will take part in two-part in two key events; host a global art exhibit inspired by the #ClaimingOurSpace Campaign and lead an official side event that will promote meaningful youth participation as a standard at all stages and levels of road safety and sustainable mobility policymaking processes.
The meeting will be an opportunity for our youth to elevate their demands for decision-makers and policymakers for improved road safety and safe and sustainable modes of transport.

Through the exhibit, our leaders will highlight the road safety realities young people face and will show leaders and other stakeholders how youth are addressing these issues in an effort to protect themselves and their peers. The exhibit will feature six different art pieces from our local artists.
The side event titled “Stop Blaming Us, Start Engaging Us” will be led by our very own Jacob Smith. Through the event, our youth leaders will; (1) promote the importance and necessity of an intergenerational dialogue between youth, government authorities, and multilateral organizations, (2) launch a Policymakers toolkit for meaningful youth participation in road safety, and (3) disseminate and promote the endorsement of the Policymakers toolkit with all stakeholders.
The HLM will approve a concise and action-oriented political declaration agreed in advance by consensus through intergovernmental negotiations, to be submitted by the President of the General Assembly for adoption by the UN General Assembly. The Governments of Côte d’Ivoire and the Russian Federation have been tasked with leading these negotiations.