YOURS – Youth for Road Safety is looking for a project manager to help support the strategic ambitions of the organization. The Project Manager is responsible for coordinating the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety, in collaboration with the YOURS team and following the organizational principles, vision, and mission.
About our work
YOURS is a global organization that acts to make the world’s roads safe for and with youth. Road crashes are the leading killer of young people. Everyday 1000 youth aged 15-29 are dying on the world’s roads and youth are saying enough is enough.
We are experts in youth and road safety issues and advocate for sustainable mobility at the highest levels of decision-making. We believe in meaningful youth participation as a key strategy to change these statistics. With strategic global advocacy and empowering youth locally, we will unlock a global revolution for road safety and make this generation the last one facing this massive public health threat.
We are a small team with big ideas and powerful allies. We are proud of our work and have loads of fun while doing it.

Roles and responsibilities of the Project Manager
The Project Manager will have the overall responsibility for successfully implementing the project within the approved project plan. The duties of the project manager include; developing and updating project plans to new developments, managing the implementation of required activities, establishing solid working relationships within the YOURS team, young leaders, donors, and other project stakeholders, and more.
The project manager will work under the leadership and support of the advocacy director. Together they will map and design strategies to lead and attend the most significant events where youth can advocate and raise awareness about road safety and sustainable mobility through meaningful youth participation mechanisms.
Read the full list of terms and references by clicking “more about the position”.
Closing date is on November 15, 2021