Earlier on 11 November, the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) with AIP Foundation, the Automobile Association Vietnam, FIA, and FIA Foundation held a Star Rating for Schools webinar to show how to practically apply the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) methodology that was developed by iRap through “hands-on” examples in Vietnam.
Star Rating for Schools
The Star Rating for Schools methodology is an evidence-based tool for measuring, managing, and communicating the risk children are exposed to on their journey to school. It supports quick interventions that save lives and prevent serious injuries.
The webinar featured speakers Greig Craft from the AIP Foundation, Rob McInerny from iRAP, Rita Cuypers from FIA Foundation, Rafaela Machado from iRAP, Hong Bui from the AIP Foundation, and Minh Vo from the AIP Foundation and the Youth Coalition. It was moderated by Quy Linh Ngunyen.

Rafaela Machado discussed the SR4S methodology, focusing on how to undertake and implement school assessments guided by their toolkit. She presented a simplified way of starting the project from building the foundation to communicating and scaling up the outcomes. The SR4S is a free tool that you can find on the S4RS website.
“Through the different tools we have in the programme – the web application, the mobile application, and the paper form – it is possible to collect information about different road attributes,” -Rafaela Machado.

SR4S: Hands-on examples
In Vietnam, efforts to implement the SR4S methodology are being led by the AIP Foundation. To talk about the practical work of infrastructure assessment, stakeholder engagement, challenges, and lessons learned during the effective implementation and advocacy for policy change in Vietnam using SR4S.
She talked about the key road safety issues AIP Foundation identified throughout Vietnam, with a focus on providing a safe environment for pedestrians as well as children and youth. Through the SR4S tools, AIP Foundation was able to streamline the process of assessing schools – from going through a four-step process of taking photos, observing pedestrians, going through checklists, and conducting interviews – the organization now utilizes the SR4S methodology for compiling important data on road user behavior and road infrastructure.
Minh also gave specific examples of how the SR4S tools helped with the Slow Zone, Safe Zone programme – an initiative focused on creating safer infrastructure and reducing speeds around school zones.
Learn more about Star Rating for Schools by going to their website!