Last week from the 1st to the 5th of November, Coalition member and SDG Champion Omnia el Omrani attended the United Nations Climate Conference of the Parties (COP26) to represent the Coalition and establish the link between road safety and climate. COP26 is a formal negotiation session for different countries and stakeholders to advance their climate commitments and actions.
Connecting climate and road safety
Prior to COP26, the Global Youth Coalition and FIA Foundation held an official Pre-COP side event that talks about the convergence of climate and mobility. During the session, speakers and panelists talked about how the prioritization of sustainable cities and alternative modes of transport can contribute to the reduction of harmful transport emissions that exacerbate the climate condition.
In the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety, young people are demanding the need for safer and more sustainable transport systems to combat the climate crisis. Youth have pointed out that unworthy vehicles have caused air pollution that affected the quality of their health and their way of living.

The global community has begun to see and establish the links between climate and road safety especially during the recent UN Global Road Safety Week themed #Love30: Streets for Life. The celebration highlighted how creating safer roads with different modes of transport contributes to streets that are greener, healthier, and more livable – streets where vulnerable road users are safe and where children can live and play.
Climate Policy Brief
To strengthen the connections between road safety and climate change, the Coalition’s SDG champions came together to write policy briefs that link road safety with the other Sustainable Development Goals.
During COP26, Omnia brought the Climate Policy Brief to present to the leaders, decision-makers, and other delegates. The policy brief emphasizes the lack of action when it comes to reducing emissions and addressing road traffic crashes as the leading killer of young people worldwide.
The document demands leaders and decision-makers to accelerate the implementation of policies for safe, sustainable and decarbonized transportation.
As a call to action, the Coalition through the policy brief, calls on governments, civil society organizations, youth-led organizations, and other stakeholders to prioritize the acceleration of efforts and commitments to achieve net-zero carbon transportation and integrate the creation of more sustainable cities in local and global plans.
Read more by accessing our policy brief.