Foreward to the Annual Report 2020
Many will remember 2020 as the year when humanity faced the COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus had a massive impact on all of us. On how we work, learn and meet. It also had a large influence on how we traveled, we realized, as never before that liveable streets are more crucial than ever as we respond to COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic is demonstrating the urgency of sharing roads more equitably, encouraging walking and cycling, and keeping young people safe on their journeys.
In 2020 we were also horrified by the act of injustice and violence that led to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota, USA. We can’t be silent as a youth organization that fundamentally stands for diversity and equality.
Embedded in all our activities and principles, we welcome people of all colors, genders, races, religions and groups.
We stand as a community that will not remain silent and will continue our own efforts to review and take action to ensure non-discriminatory practices. Our youth mobilization approaches and evidence-based actions reflect our commitment to equity of participation and protection.
This statement was followed by the adoption of our Diversity Policy.

I will also remember 2020 when close to 200 youth leaders from more than 70 countries made history at the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety in Sweden. At this event, the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety was adopted, after a large youth consultation with more than 1500 young people around the world. This led to the successful launch of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety in July 2020.

I will also remember 2020 when close to 200 youth leaders from more than 70 countries made history at the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety in Sweden. At this event, the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety was adopted, after a large youth consultation with more than 1500 young people around the world. This led to the successful launch of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety in July 2020.

Finally, I need to thank the entire YOURS family: from the passionate volunteers at the Youth Advisory Board, the amazing and professional staff to the brilliant Supervisory Board members. Under stressful and very difficult circumstances we have delivered probably the best year in terms of activities in the history of YOURS. I am once again proud and humbled to be part of this team.
Floor Lieshout
Executive Director

Finally, I need to thank the entire YOURS family: from the passionate volunteers at the Youth Advisory Board, the amazing and professional staff to the brilliant Supervisory Board members. Under stressful and very difficult circumstances we have delivered probably the best year in terms of activities in the history of YOURS. I am once again proud and humbled to be part of this team.
Floor Lieshout
Executive Director