Country Profile
training programmes
Regional Youth Assembly
participants reached
Youth Empowerment in The Sultanate of Oman
The Sultanate of Oman has been a leading figure in the field of road safety, championing the early movement for the Decade of Action for Road Safety and investing in youth empowerment.
In Oman, we have delivered several road safety workshops. We worked with a multitude of youth representatives in the region to train them in road safety at the Middle-Eastern Youth Assembly. We run one of our first Training of Facilitators here as well as delivered a stand alone workshop at the Muscat Youth Summit back in 2011.
Youth in Oman face a number of unique road safety issues that are specfic to Arab culture and our trainings adapted to the local realities facing young people.
“I learned so much from the workshop!”
“I didn’t realise that road safety was such a big issue in the world. After the workshop, I spread the message with my friends and family. The workshop was really fun and informative”.
Samar Al’Chahef
Participant in Road Safety Workshop, Muscat Youth Summit
Workshop Delivery in Oman
From the Regional Youth Assembly workshops to a Training of Facilitators
Youth empowerment at multiple levels...
Our work in Oman has primarily partnered with the government of the Sultanate of Oman and its associated ministries including Brand Oman and Youth Ministry. For the 36 Middle-Eastern Youth Assembly, young people from 24 countries gathered in Muscat to talk about youth and road safety issues in their region as well as be trained on some key road safety topics. The event was sponsored by the Sultanate of Oman and organized in partnership with us.
The Muscat Youth Summit, organized by Brand Oman along with a steering group of delivery partners brought together hundreds of young people across the country to experience a range of youth development issues through interactive workshops. We ran a stand alone workshop on road safety at this summit with 35 young participants.
Following on from the Summit, we organized a Training of Facilitators in Muscat, Oman with a local NGO to empower a group of young leaders who went on to train others in road safety.
Targeted road safety action...
In Oman, we ran several workshops to empower youth. In the Training of Facilitators, the objectives were in line with our overall programme:
- Increase young people´s understanding of road safety, and youth-related issues in Oman;
- Inspire and motivate young men and women to become actively involved in preventing road traffic injuries;
- Build the knowledge and develop the skills of Omani youth leaders in order for them to implement their own road safety activities.
In our stand alone session at the Muscat Youth Summit, young people had the opportunity to grasp road safety issues from a wider global context as the summit brought together young people from all around the world:
- Increase participants' understanding of the road safety crisis facing young people globally;
- Increase participant's understanding of why young people are at risk of road crashes;
- Give participants a taster of two key risk factors: seatbelts and distracted driving and increase their awareness of the issues.
Road safety education reinvented
It's no secret that young people experience life differently to their parents and the older generations, so then why do so many workshops assume that young people want to sit through an old school style of learning? We've experienced it ourselves, sitting through hours of presentations, speech after speech and talk after talk. If we really want to engage with young people, we know this is not the way! Therefore YOURS is using a highly interactive and enagaging methodology while delivering workshops.
In Belize, we worked with our local partners to select the most approriate road safety topics relevant to the lives of young people but also reflective of the road safety situation in the country, based on official statistics. All topics are facilitated by our master trainers who bring their years of experience to make road safety topics accessible, engaging and fun.
The topics covered in the Oman programme included:
- Facilitation Skills
- Peer Education
- Fundamentals of Human Learning
- Scope of the Road Safety Problem Internationally and in Belize
- Youth and Road Traffic Injuries
- How Crashes Happen
- Key Risk Factors in Road Safety: Speeding, Drink and Drug Driving, Seatbelts and Distracted Driving
- Gender impacts; roles; stereotypes; and masculinities and masculine behaviour on roads
- Communication and Public Speaking Skills
- Team and Trust Building
- Project Cycle - Developing a Road Safety Project
- Developing a Youth and Road Safety Workshop
- Evaluation methods